Over 175  Pristine Pianos for Sale 

Check out one of the largest selections of new and used pianos in the west coast of Florida at Pritchards Pianos. Our Sarasota piano store location with two piano tuner/technicians on staff has all our pianos in immaculate condition inside-out. They are free of mechanical problems, well-tuned, voiced and regulated.
Even the most knowledgeable pianist will find all of our pianos in tune and enjoyable to play. Buying a piano that is in pitch and in tune and trouble-free will save you the aggravation of owning a lemon piano. Browse below to see just a few of our pre-owned options.

Best Pianos At The Best Prices- Over 175 on Display

Pritchards Pianos is celebrating the completion of 54 years in business. We have been operating from the same Sarasota location on Bee Ridge Road since 1967. When you visit us to listen to and play our pianos, you will find the best-prepared and best-sounding pianos in Florida. See why thousands of pianists for the west coast of Florida have been purchasing from Pritchards Pianos over the years.

Price and value is always the best. We are one of Florida’s longest established piano stores! You’ll find new & pre-owned pianos from brands such as: The World Class Steinway & Sons, Steinway Spirio, Boston by Steinway, Essex by Steinway,  Others including Kawai, Yamaha, Baldwin, Young Chang, Weber, Roland, Kohler & Campbell, Wm Knabe, Samick and more.
See a few of our Pre-owned pianos below  and Give the gift of MUSIC ….Priceless! 

Steinway Spirio

Stop by and see and hear the greatest  Steinway & Sons innovation in 70 years. The magificent Spirio High resolution re-performance grand piano is made by hand at the factory in New York and takes about 1 year to manufacture. Free song subscription for life! Utterly indistinguishable from a Live Performance!  NOW FIVE IN STOCK!

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175 other pianos in stock In tune and ready to be selected

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Yamaha trade in just arrived!

This like new Yamaha Vertical was just traded in on a new Steinway.

Of course Pritchard’s exclusive warranty, Free ground floor delivery and a complimentary tuning in your home.  This might be just the one so stop in and see it! If new $8900.00

Now $3699!

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U1 Yamaha Disklavier!

This puchased new in 2006  U1 is ready to go! It’s a Disklavier too! Play your favorites and records.

Of course all the Pritchard exclusive perks. Free ground floor delivery, a complimentary tuning in your home and warranty. If new over $19,000 now $9299!

Circa 1924 Steinway & Sons Louis XV Grand

Check out this Gorgeous recently rebuilt and refinished classic RARE 1924 Louis XV model M.

Plays magificently with a rich full colorful tone. A light and buttery feel with all new Steinway action parts.

One of a kind. If new almost $146,000

Now $76,900.

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KAWAI Baby Ebony Polish Grand

This Kawai Baby grand  Polished Ebony is a beauty! Looks like new!  A recnt trade in on a new Boston Steinway. All the Pritchard perks of course. A trusted piano store since 1967. If new over $15,000 now $8499  Yes we can add a ipad controlled QRS player system! Come in now before this one is gone!

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New SPECIAL Cabinet Style Essex By Steinway

This New special edition Contempoary studio upright plays as nice as it looks. Just might be the right style for your home. You will love it!

Of course with all the Pritchard PERKS from the areas oldest locally Owned & Opperated Piano store. Since 1967

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Like New Steinway & Sons Model D

RARE FIND!! These two photos give a pretty good idea of what we are talking about here. This is a Steinway 9 foot Concert Grand Model D. Origianlly puchased in 2007. This is an amazing instrument for a home, Church or any concert venue. Call Clark for more information 941-315-7588 OR TEXT IN BOX BELOW

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Ivory Kohler & Campbell

This Polished Ivory colored Upright

is a recenet trade in. Fits in anywhere!

Stop by play it and see if this one is the right one for you. As always the Pritchard PERKS!. Complimentary local delivery, in home tuning and warranty too! If new $6500 NOW $3299

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Many, Many pre-loved to choose from.


Great trade-ins that are Pre-Loved!

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Like NEW Steinway Model “B” !!

This Model “B” was purchased from our store 2 & 1/2 years ago. Why?? Our client traded up to a New Steinway SPIRIO Grand.

If new $117,800 NOW CALL Now 941-315-7588.!! This one will go fast stop by and see, hear and play its light action.

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Yamaha 5’3″ Baby Grand

This made in Japan model GH1 has been well cared for. This one won’t last long if new over $25,000. NOW $9695.

Includes our Perls: exclusive waranty, ground floor dleivery and a complimnetary tuning on your home.

Give us a call this one want last long!


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KAWAI Console

This is the perfect starter piano for you. Perks like Free local ground floor delivery, a complimnetary in home tuning and more. See our reviews!

If new over $8,000 NOW $1799

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Roland Digital Pianos New Models now here!

NEW FINISH!! Just a sample of what is availble now from ROLAND only at Pritchards! Wonderful Touch, Tone, Built in Bluetooth connectivity for iPad, or wirless device. Free app for learing to play, turns page with built in pedal.

Everything you can imagine and more.

White, Polished Ebony, Satin Black, Rose wood, Oak and more! From $1149 up.

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Young Chang Baby Grand

This Pre-owned baby Gand in Mahogany Polish will fit almost anywhere. If new over $15,000 NOW $6495

Of course all the Pritchard Perks

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A recent trade in on a new Steinway Boston this piano has a touch and all wooden action like a real accoustic grand!


If new over $14,000 now REDUCED $4999.

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BEAUTIFUL White/Ivory Player Grand

If New  $25,000

Now $12,900

This Pre-Owned & purchased new here at Pritchards Weber iPad Player baby grand is ready to go! It will fit in anywhere.. It comes with a free in-home tuning  and free local ground floor delivery and of course our exclusive Pritchard warranty.

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JUST ARRIVED!!! Essex by Steinway Studio uprights! Large selection

These beautiful Essex studio uprights will look beautiful in any home. If your home has a light & bright look it will work well in those suroundings. The entry into the STEINWAY family of uprights — designed by STEINWAY & SONS in collaboration with renowned furniture designer William Faber — the Essex upright has been created in the spirit of the STEINWAY heritage as a tribute to the idea that beautiful piano styles and finishes can and should be possible in every price range. Stop by and see these wonderful pianos only at Pritchard Pianos.

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Like NEW Baldwin R1

This specual grand is truly amazing in tone and touch one of the last built in the USA! Stop in play, feel and see it. It might just be the one for you.

Only at Pritchards since 1967

If new well over $38,000 NOW $17,900!

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Baldwin (this one made in the USA)

This recent trade in could be just what you are looking for in tone and touch. Of course not to mention the Art Case gorgeous cabinet.

If new Over $10,000. Pre-loved $3499.

Free local delivery and all the exclusive Pritchard PERKS!

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Charles Walter Studio

This wonderful tall STUDIO piano is a recenet trade in. Made in the USA! Perfect for your home, a Church or piano teacher.

Stop by play it and see if this one is the right fit for you. As always the Pritchard PERKS!. Complimentary local delivery, in home tuing and warranty too!

If new well over $14,000 NOW $5199

Call OR TEXT Us Now! 941-315-7588

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Yamaha Verticals

This Yamaha piano is a recenet trade in.

Stop by play it and see if this one is the right fit for you. As always the Pritchard PERKS!. Complimentary local delivery, in home tuing and warranty too!

If new well over $6,000 NOW $2295

Now we have 5 to choose from.

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Baldwin Console Upright

This well taken care of Baldwin was just traded in for a new Boston Piano.

Perfect starter piano for any student.

Special $1399 includes all the perks. Free gound floor local delivery, a complimentary tuning in your home and warranty.. We are Celebrating 55 yeasrs in same location.

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G. Steck Mahogany Baby Grand

Stop in and see this nice small grand that will fit almost anywhere.

Pritchard Perks: Free local ground floor delivery, a complimentary in home tuning, Of course a Pritchard warranty. If NEW over $17,000 NOW $7995!

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