Excellent Music and Piano Moving Services

When you shop at Pritchards Pianos, you will be entitled to all our music and our piano-moving services. Whether you want your piano to be moved to another place or simply want us to deliver your asset to your place, we can do it all.

Music and Software

Pritchards Pianos has the largest display of print music in the Sarasota area. Thousands of song titles.

Turned on Side

The piano is placed on the flat side and strapped to the custom-made dolly.

Piano Tilt Method

Next, if the lyre of the piano is sturdy enough to hold the piano’s weight, a moving pad is placed under the lyre, the bass leg is removed and the piano is carefully pivoted to the dolly.

Piano-Moving Experts

Trace the steps involved in moving a full-sized grand piano. The piano must be fully padded and a special dolly with wheels attached should be positioned next to the piano.

Experienced Piano and Organ Delivery Staff

Pritchards’ delivery crew are experienced and are specially trained to know how to deliver any type of piano or organ. See Pritchards’ delivery men in action delivering a disassembled Steinway Grand with the help of a crane.

Careful Here!

While moving a piano, you must be very careful. It should be steered from both sides by men who are strong and care about the instrument.

Lift Gate and Ramp

Pritchards Pianos uses a lift gate truck for all pianos under seven feet in length. This piano was over seven feet long so a 2500-pound-rated ramp was used. Don’t even think of trying this yourself. Let the piano-moving experts at Pritchards Pianos help you if you need your piano moved. Call 941-315-7588.